How to differentiate CE 100V and 200V

Floyd Sense sentek at SPRINTMAIL.COM
Sat Jul 17 17:14:55 EDT 1999

Anyone out there know for certain how to tell the 100V  and 200V apart?  I
have the marketing brochures for both from Tusa Consulting and I've
identified two points, but who knows how accurate these brochures are.
First, the 100V has what appear to be three rectifier tubes in a row across
the rear of the chassis.  I read that these were replaced by silicon diodes
in the 200V.  The photo of the chassis for the 200V shows that these three
tube sockets are no longer on the chassis and that the filter cans now
occupy that space.  The second point is that the brochure for the 200V says
the mixer tubes are now 6EH7-6EJ7 types.  The mixer tubes in the
unidentified transmitter are 12BY7A and 6BQ5 (also those numbers are stamped
on the chassis).  The serial number of this unit is: E-970.

Can anyone help identify this transmitter beyond a reasonable doubt??
Thanks for your assistance.

Floyd Sense in Angier, NC

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