National HRO 50T Questions

Bob Login jlogin at MINDSPRING.COM
Fri Jul 23 09:03:44 EDT 1999

At 07:51 PM 7/22/99 -0700, you wrote:
>       ""                          the levers had to be  closed.
>HELP!!!!!     W6TR Riverside, CA

Hi Bob...I hv a 50T & a 50R(rack). I don't hv the 50. I'm in the process
of moving so my literature is packed away so cann't help there.

My experience with the radios is this. First ck all resistances then volt
at each socket according to Sam's found several resistors that were very high
and replaced them. I also re-capped. Replaced all weak tubes. One radio worked
but other one nothing.....after much searching found problem to be coil
Not on the coils but those in the radio. Clean them with Deoxit 5 and bend
them down
a little to make sure they make contact!  Good Luck

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