SP-600 S-Meter

Eldon Lewis w6tfd at JUNO.COM
Thu Jun 3 18:30:57 EDT 1999

Ye olde junque box yielded the following:

S-meter for the SP-600. It has a plastic face -- (I don't know if that
was standard on some or not.)

Builders -- anyone thinking about building one of the old fashion
regenerative rx's? I have several new in the boxes Stancor A-63-C (1:3
ratio) interstage transformers (7-15 K Ohm to pp grids).

Stancor P-8361 control transformer new in box. 117 vac with 3 sections 12
v @ .10A each. insulation 1500 volt RMS )

25 Watt Audio Transformer Stancor A3311 (10 K Ohm 70 MA c.t.)

These items are $10.00 each plus S&H from 98311.
Filament transformer 117 vac in 6.3 1 A out. $2.00 plus S&H.


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