O-Scope repair...

Dave zommbee at IX.NETCOM.COM
Tue Jun 8 12:52:34 EDT 1999

Hello all,

I was given a Tektronix 454 dual-trace 150mhz scope last
night, and probably got what I paid for :-)

It lights, seems fully operational in all respects, except that
there is only a dim wide fuzzy trace.  The beam finder is
right on, with an intense spot.  It can be moved around the
screen, focused, and have the intensity changed.  Only
the 'normal' trace is faint, wide and fuzzy.  All the input
circuitry seems as it should, as far as the blinking of lights
would indicate on the triggered sweeps and such.

Does this sound like a problem that is economical to
repair, especially by someone (me) who can just
manage to get an S85 to work :-)  Or am I wasting
my time and should scrap it out for the nifty turns
counting knobs :-) ?


Tacoma, WA

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