FS: Ceramic standoffs

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Jun 18 14:47:45 EDT 1999

Ceramic standoffs
(I have a number of each of these)

Small cones etc. $0.75 each

All: Round, threaded (length)
3/8"    - $1.00 each
1/2"    - $1.00
3/4"    - $1.00
1"      - $1.25
1.25"   - $1.50
1.5"    - $2.00
1.75"   - $2.00
2.5"    - $2.50

Other sizes and types available for antenna projects
also U-Clamps etc. Inquire.

= = = = =

New tube sockets from 7 to 12 pins $2.00 each

(I have a number of these available -  including the special,
smaller-diameter octal tube sockets used in some COLLINS radios)

= = = = =
Add shipping costs to all prices

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