[ham-hist] Shore station licenses?

Dick Dillman ddillman at IGC.APC.ORG
Fri Jun 18 22:22:41 EDT 1999

At 03:46 PM 6/18/99 -1000, Jeffrey Herman, KH6O wrote:

>Is the FCC still issuing licenses to shore stations? I'm in the process
>of acquiring a 500 kc xmtr; I'd like to set up a fully operational sta-
>tion. Being located in the Central Pacific, I might even be able to snag
>some traffic from ships in the Southern and Western Pacific, where 500 kc
>is still utilized. I'd be the lone op in the Central Pacific still keeping
>a watch on 500...

*Now* you're talkin' Jeff.  I believe the FCC is still licensing public
coast stations as the recent events at Globe Wireless indicate.  True, the
purchased existing licenses rather than making application for a new
station.  But there is certainly still a spot on the form asking if the
coast station you want to establish will be open for public correspondence.
The requirements are a bit more strict than for a limited coast station.
You have to show financial capability to run the station and you should
probably apply in the name of a corporation (not too hard to create) rather
than an individual.  I say go for it... but don't wait too long.  I just
renewed my commercial telegraph license and noted that you can't even take
the test for a new telegraph license any more.  So they may pull the plug on
new coast stations using Morse as well.  Keep us posted.

Vy 73,


                           Dick Dillman, W6AWO
     Chief Operator at K6KPH of the Maritime Radio Historical Society
                        Collector Of Heavy Metal:
                 Harleys, Willys and Radios Over 100lbs.

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