Silk screening BA panels...

Robert Lozier kd4hsh at JUNO.COM
Sat Jun 19 20:22:53 EDT 1999

I've seen comments about folks getting BA panels refinished and screened
on this reflector.

Years ago I did this sort of stuff for vintage broadcast receivers in my
collection and have recently needed to do artwork for three new
projects...  I have made the screens but cannot find a source of small
quantities of white and black screening lacquers.  All I can find are
water clean-up stuff that  is not in the least bit durable on the
bakelite and brass panels that I must screen.  Anyone out here know of a
source for small quantities of lacquer or (epoxy ?) screen inks?  8 ozs.
would be almost a lifetime supply.

Robert Lozier
600 E. Green St.
Monroe, NC 28112  USA
kd4hsh at

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