[R-390] My Summer Vacation

Rob Dunn dunnr at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sat Jun 26 17:55:22 EDT 1999

Les and Norman,

In response to both your queries about places to stop in Las Vegas (Norman
asked about places to stop as he was going cross country) here is my two
cents worth.  Figured I would cross-post in case anyone else in the
boatanchor community was coming to Vegas this summer and might be look for a
place to stop while in town.

IN spite of being a city of around a million Vegas has no boatanchor soul
(too new I guess).  There was a surplus store when I moved here in 92 but it
is long gone and of course we do have Amateur Electronic Supply here in town
but that was it.  However there is good news in Boulder City just a few
miles southeast of Vegas!

This spring vacation I took my son down to the  dam (Boulder or Hoover
depending on who you talk to and whether they are republican or democrat)
and on the way home I saw a place called Radio World and swung in at about
closing time.  My son (jr. high age) walked in and said "cool!"  and I
echoed the sentiment.  Dave Floyd sold me great speed-x key to use for code
practice, we talked well past closing time, and his YL insisted that my son
and I have some cookies.   Dave sold me great speed-x key to use for code
practice and we talked well past closing time.  The dam was neat but even my
son commented that the radio store was a high point for him.

This is not a huge place like Murphy's or something, it is a true old
fashioned ham radio store run by one Dave Floyd, an electrical engineer who
moved here from St Louis over a decade ago.  He knows old radios, he knows
new radios and has all kinds of stuff on the shelves, in the back and on the
floor.  I have seen everything from the latest Kenwood, Icom, Alinco,
Sangean (he has some general coverage SWL stuff), and MFJ stuff to an HRO
with all four coil sets lots of older Kenwood (520's) and ICOM gear, lots of
Swan rigs, all kinds of HT's and even a Hallicrafters S-38C and Skybuddy (If
you like Radio Shack he even has a couple of RS-150A's general coverage
sandstate receivers)  He has test equipment ranging from Heathkit to HP and
is again very knowledgeable.  As near as I can tell he has been working
electronics since before jr. high and probably was correcting his lab
professors when he was in college.  He and his lovely YL have never failed
to offer me a drink and good conversation.  If you swing by don't be put off
by the signs for marine radios and commercial two-way stuff, he sells that
to keep the lights on and the rent paid.  What he really is is a ham's ham.
I keep running down there for one thing or another and always stay too long
to avoid being in trouble when I get home.

If you are coming to Vegas and you are an engineer you must go to Hoover
Dam.  The dam tour is too good to pass up, any project that size that comes
in ahead of schedule and below cost has got to be a shrine for any engineer.
If you are a ham you must go down to Radio World.  The great news is that
Radio Word is right on the way to the Dam and very easy to find.  As you
come down US-95 from Vegas into Boulder City you will see Radio World on the
left as soon as you enter town.  They are in a little strip mall on your
left just before a geodesic dome building so if you see the geodesic dome
back up to the strip mall just before it and you are there.  Here's the

Radio World
"Best Little Radio Shop By A Dam Site"
1656 Nevada Highway
Boulder City, NV  89005
www.radio-nv.com (only a fraction of the stuff in the shop)
Dave Floyd, W9MPD, radio at anv.net

Dave has also put me on to the local swap meet on the first Saturday of each
month in the Amateur Electronic Supply parking lot beginning at 0700.

Sorry for the long post and no, I don't have any commercial interest in
Radio World, its just a great place for this old engineer to visit.

Rob Dunn

----- Original Message -----
From: Leslie Zwiebel <wb6orz at pacbell.net>
To: Rob Dunn <dunnr at ix.netcom.com>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 1999 21:19
Subject: Re: [R-390] My Summer Vacation

>     Nice post, Rob, enjoyed it.
>     Say, any boatanchor/surplus/ham sites to explore when I'm in las
>     Thanks/73,
>     Les

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