Collins 75A4 Questions

Steve Harrison ko0u at OS.COM
Sat Jun 26 20:12:05 EDT 1999

At 02:17 PM 1999-06-25 -0500, John M Iverson wrote:
>I know that this will generate a lot of flak, but here goes.
>After many experimrnts, the best panel cleaner is the old 409.  spray it
>on and wipe it right off,don't let it set for more than 2 minutes.  will
>make your paper towels real brown if a smoker had the rig.  BTW, I have
>been using this stuff for years with no problems.

409 and Windex both can take lettering off of some panels, such as stereos,
learned the hard way in a stereo repair shop years ago. Try it on a
"non-essential" letter before anything else. AND DO NOT SPRAY IT ALL OVER
THE PANEL, spray it on a rag and wipe.

73, Steve K0XP

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