For Sale: Heath SB-104, SB-614, HP-1144, etc.

J. Douglas Hensley nfmk at JUNO.COM
Tue Jun 29 15:59:48 EDT 1999

For Sale:

Heath SB-104 (may be an "A" model).  Unit has both filters and noise
blanker installed.  Great operation on all bands.  Requires 13.6 V DC to
operate.  Has both 100W and 1W  (true QRP) modes.  Clean, non-smoker,
beautiful aesthetics.
Low air time.  $350 plus shipping from 70806.

Heath SB-614 monitor scope.  Clean & looks as new.  $175 plus shipping
from 70806.

Heath HP-1144 power supply designed for above 100W transceiver.  20 amp
capacity.  Inside dusty, outside is perfect.  Overall 9/10.  Low air
time.  $150 plus packaging and shipping from 70806.

One pair of Kenwood TR7600 2m transceivers, mobile mounting brackets for
both, mics. Up for trade.

73,  Doug

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