More stuff FS--Cheap!!

Lane Zeitler zeitler at IBM.NET
Mon Mar 1 01:32:31 EST 1999

Still have a few things from the winter cleaning of the shack:

--Heathkit HD-19 phone patch. Actually looks pretty nice. Don't remember if
it works or not, no manual, don't even remember where or when I got it.
$13.00 plus shipping.

--Alliance U-100 antenna controller (no rotor). No manual. Same story as the
phone patch. As is. Looks okay. $13.00 plus shipping.

--Pair of Aerovox 4uF 4kv oil filled caps. Same size as the GE 32uF 4.5 kv
units. Both for $25.00 plus shipping.

--Kenwood SW-2000 HF wattmeter. Fwd and Rev power meters. Reads up to 2kw
HF. PEP or Avg. Actually looks really nice. I have three other meters and do
not need a fourth. $95.00 plus shipping. I DO have the manual (somewhere--I

Thanks for the read.

When replying please give ur call, name, and zip code.

Lane Zeitler
San Diego 92139

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