FS: Elmac, Kenwood, & RS Gear
davidc at BIT-NET.COM
Fri Mar 5 09:58:13 EST 1999
Need to sell to buy laptop for work:
1. Multi-Elmac Compact AM/CW Station
a. AF-68 80-6m AM/CW transmitter
b. PMR-8 AM-6m AM/SSB/CW receiver
c. M-1070 power supply
d. Heath pre-selector
All in excellent condition. PMR-8 has been
modified with a Galaxy tuning knob assembly to
make tuning more accurate.
Includes cables and manuals.
Sold as a complete station for $425. o.b.o.
(Prefer pickup in SO. NH or central MA)
2. Kenwood TS-530SP/D 160-10m HF rig
a. Includes Shure 444D desk mic
b. Includes optional 1.8 SSB filter
c. Includes original manual
d. Includes CW key and code practice oscilator
This is the high power version of the TS-530S
Asking $375. shipped conus
3. Radio Shack HTX-404 440 HT
Asking $105. shipped conus
\ ~ / .... DavidC K1YP at qsl.net or 603-894-1174
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