FS: Collins Crystal Packs

Dave & Debby Anderson danderso at EROLS.COM
Sun Mar 7 04:07:01 EST 1999

I have two Collins CP-1 crystal packs for sale:

The price for either pack is $175, plus shipping from northern Virginia
(22030 zip).

Pack #1 is in VVG condition, but has faded magic marker on the extractor
pocket cover (no extractor) and very faint writing on the next outside
The inside is in very nice shape, but has very faint Xs over the ham
band pockets. The FSN stencil is faded but readable.
All 114 standard crystals present (does not include the 'standard 12'
ham band crystals)

Pack #2 is in VVG condition, no marks on the outside, just the extractor
pocket stencil (no extractor).
The inside is in very nice shape, but has very faint Xs over the ham
band pockets. The FSN stencil is faded but readable.
This pack is missing the 28.4-28.6 Mc crystal (15777.50 Kc). The other
113 standard crystals are present (does not include the 'standard 12'
ham band crystals)

These items are completely warranted to be items. Pricing does not
include tags and dealer prep, and may vary depending on the weather,
time, line voltage, or anything else that comes to mind.

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