FS: Hallicrafters S-41W Skyrider Jr.

Dave Hollander davidh at GETNET.COM
Fri Mar 12 00:50:10 EST 1999

For sale: Hallicrafters S-41W Skyrider Jr. $60

The S-41 was made in two versions, the S-41G for gray cabinet and the
S-41W for white cabinet. The "W" version is rare and much harder to find.
The "G" version is pretty common.

The radio works and has been partially recapped. All tubes test good. It
has all of the
correct knobs also. The cabinet has some areas where the paint is missing
and the
front panel has a few areas where the lettering is worn. The fiber board
cover is missing. Someone has replaced the rivets on the slide switches
screws and the screws holding the speaker are not the original ones.
Their are
two small holes in the top of the case towards the front. I don't have a
manual but
I will supply a schematic of the radio.

This unit is sold "as-is". Price is $70 shipped - cashier's check or money
order.  Unit will be double boxed.


Dave N7RK


Dave  N7RK -  Webmaster CADXA
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

                 ex-N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX

Boatanchor Collector Extraordinaire preferring Hallicrafters, National
and what ever else looks interesting!

E-Mail: davidh at getnet.com
My Home Page:  http://www.getnet.com/~davidh

Visit the Central Arizona DX Association Home page - http://cadxa.org

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