FS: Manuals...Knight, Heath, RCA, etc

talen talen at INETPORT.COM
Fri Mar 12 23:26:52 EST 1999

Update........(last posting)
Cleaning out more misc manuals..... all are original, postpaid US
unless indicated. I think the prices are in line with what I've seen,
but feel free to make offers if you disagree.

Knight-kit (Allied Radio) KG-630 5" Scope manual..................$10
Knight KG-375 Universal Auto Analyzer, 2 manuals
    ....operator and assy........................................................$15
Knight-kit X-10 Crystal Calibrator manual.................................$5
Knight-kit C-100 CB tranceiver manual.....................................$5
Knight-kit Electronic Tachometer manual.................................$5
Knight-kit Transistor Code Osc wall reference........free for postage
Eico 710 Grid Dip Meter specifications and schematic..............$3
Eico 752/DC Power Supply manual.........................................$5
GE Progress Line 144-174Mhz, 25-50watt (thick) manual........$15
Gonset "Super 6" Mobile Converter manual (copy)....................$5
RCA WV-38A VOM manual....................................................$7
RCA WA-44A Audio signal Generator manual.........................$10
H/P Model 120A Oscilloscope operating and service manual....$20
Heathkit V-7A VTVM manual.................................................$10
Heathkit HR-10B Receiver specifications and schematic. ..........$3
Heathkit HX-20 SSB Mobile Trans spec and schematic.............$3
Heathkit GDA-47 5-Ch Digital Prop R/C spec and schematics....$3
Heathkit GD-348 Deluxe Metal Locator manual.......................$10
Heathkit CO-1015 Solid State Iginition Analyzer manual ..........$15
Heathkit Grid Dip Meter wall reference...................free for postage
Heathkit MW-33 Marine CB tranceiver spec and schematic.......$3
Hammarlund Model HQ-129-X, 2 page schematic and chassis...$3
AN/URM-55 Signal Generator operation and service manual.....$10

Thanks and 73s

Kees  K5BCQ

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