query: ratings for 6146W tube?

Keith Rowland k4kgw at MINDSPRING.COM
Mon Mar 29 05:53:06 EST 1999

Mike, I have the 6883B info, but nothing on the 6146W.  Here's the 6883:

Fil. Current:  0.562
Plate Dissipation:  27 watts absolute max.



Mike Dinolfo wrote:

> Can someone help me fill in the unknown ratings shown below?
> tube type(s)              6146/  6146B/  6146W  8032/  6883B/
>                           6146A  8298A          6883   8552
> amps filament draw        1.25   1.125    ???   0.585    ???
> filament volts             6.3     6.3    6.3    12.6   12.6
> watts plate dissipation     25      35    ???      25    ???
> Thanks!
> Mike Dinolfo N4MWP
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