Scope Question Please

Freeberg, Scott (STP) scott.freeberg at GUIDANT.COM
Mon Mar 29 13:58:15 EST 1999


I am getting some test equipment so I can align and repair my BA stuff.  So
far I got a URM-25D signal generator, and HP-410B rf voltmeter, and now I am
looking for a scope and a freq counter.

I may have found a scope and would appreciate an opinion.  Its a Tektronix
2213 dual trace 60 Mhz, newer model, looks new, supposed to work properly.
Seller is asking $250 and will give me a money back guarantee.  Local
pickup, no manual.

Anyone familiar with this model?  Is this a reasonable price?  I sure
appreciate your input!

73,  Scott WA9WFA in Saint Paul Minn

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