FS: New and Slightly Used Building Parts

Gary Harmon gharmon at IDWORLD.NET
Fri May 7 07:38:22 EDT 1999

My good friend Ed in IL wishes to sell the following parts.  If you have an
interest or further questions please contact Ed directly at

Ed Kotkiewicz
ekotkie at ezl.com


Military Surplus (new unless otherwise indicated)

UG-528/U        53ohm unbal. to 53ohm unbal Test adapter BNC(F)/N(M)            1
UG-201A/U       N(M)/BNC(F) Adapter     12
UG-564/U        C(F)/N(M) Adapter       1
UG-274A/U       BNC(F-M-F) T Adapter    3
UG-309/U        BNC(F)/HN(M) Adapter    6
UG-273/U        BNC(F)/PL-259 Adapter   2
UG-306/A        BNC(F)BNC(M) Right Angle        2
UG-914/ BNC(F)/BNC(F) Adapter, straight 1
UG-349/(2 A, 1B BNC(M)/N(F) Adapter, straight   3
UG-88           BNC(M) Connector        16
CW-159          BNC Cap with chain      5
UG-1095/A       N(F) Bulkhead connector 6
UG-1185B/U      N(M) Connector  11
UG-212C/U       N(M)(F) Right angle     2
Amphenol 82-856 N(M) Right angle connector      1
Fuseholder, chassis mount, fsn 5920-642-7554, pn 387001, qty. 5 per box, --
4 boxes
Circuit breaker, aircraft, 20amp, fsn 5929-811-2973, pn MS-24506-20 -4 in
wrap, 1 loose.
Circuit breaker, aircraft, 50amp, pn MS-25017-50 - 2 loose
Shock mount, equipment, 18-40 lbs, pn 7002-W, Met-L-Flex -4 loose
Shunt motor, 27.5vdc, 4.17 amp, 1/10hp, 10,000 rpm, dual shaft - 2
Motor, on small platform, 24vdc, Globe pn B3A722, fsn 6105-500-4676, single
shaft w/gear - 1
Motor, 27.5vdc, 1.3amp,fsn 6105-248-5188, Globe pn 110A131, single shaft - 1
Relay, 30vdc, 2a, fsn 5945-578-3735, pn 520M-31 - 4 packaged, 2 loose
Relay, 26.5vdc, 2a, fsn 5945-578-4527, pn mhx-6104 -- 1 packaged, 2 loose
Relay, fsn 5945-230-2176, pn 5888-1 -- 1 packaged, 2 loose
Relay, fsn 5945-234-6370, pn g55370 -- 1 packaged, 1 loose
Relay, fsn 5945-230-2176, pn 5788-1 - 1 packaged
Relay, fsn 5945-502-8234, pn Collins 972-1202-009 - 1 packaged
Relay, fsn 5945-810-7330, pn Potter-Brumfield MH90164-1 - 1 packaged
Relay, 26.5vdc, 2a, fsn 5945-578-3735, pn Struthers Dunn FC-6-178B - 3 loose
Relay, 27.5vdc, 525 ohms, fsn 5945-254-2309, pn Aemco 40-1142 - 4 loose
Relay, 27.5vdc, fsn 5945-539-2958, pn Aemco 95-2519 (micro) - 3 packaged
Relay, pn p26C1P6AS-5, Filtors CHS 588622 (micro) - 1 packaged
Relay, 29vdc, 2a, fsn 5945-578-9084, pn Allied Control mhx-2135 - 2
packaged, 5 loose
Relay, pn ES-Portland R400-2-f-11K(2) - 1 loose
Relay, thermal time delay, 7 pin tube socket, 90 sec/6.3v, pn GV Controls
GT-3037 - 1 loose
Switch, (appear to be thermal) spst,115ac,400cps,1a,pn Heinemann Electric
SM3 - 2 loose
Meter movement, 1.75" square, 100microamp, fsn 6625-585-6002, pn Phaostron
Inst. 100-05369 - 1loose
Capacitor, tuning, small, 11rotor/10 stator, pn E.F.Johnson 160-110 - 1
Switch, 3 micros ganged to a pushbutton, pn Micro 3PB11 - 1 loose
Connector set, D-shell 50 pin male/female - 2 loose

Gary H. Harmon, Jr. - K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at idworld.net

>>> GO SPURS >>>

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