FS: Transmitter capacitors

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri May 7 14:19:21 EDT 1999

Capacitors - Lot #6

Transmitting caps:
0.027 uF at 600WV DC, 1200V pk, Sangamo type A2 with screw terminals
(qty 2) at $1.00 each

0.015 uF at 2500 WV DC, 5000V pk Sangamo type A2 with screw terminals (qty
2) at $2.00 each

1000 pF at 5KV Doorknob capacitor (used) $2.00

820 pF postage stamp micas (used) QTY 4. WIll sell for 25c each.

Or take all of the above capacitors for only $8.00

More soon...
Check my list of items for sale! Updated frequently:

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