FS: Glowbug Parts etc. (6)

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu May 13 07:25:10 EDT 1999

Recoton Power Wave TV400R VHF/UHF/AM/FM Amplified antenna
for use with TV and/or stereo system. Very fashionable looking
and low-profile. Brand new in box - will sell for $19.00
plus shipping

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Recoton Power Wave TV500R VHF/UHF/AM/FM Amplified antenna
for use with TV and/or stereo system. Very fashionable looking
and low-profile. Brand new in box - will sell for $24.00
plus shipping

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Recoton V900SXR Video Sender/Receiver system. Runs on 900 MHz
band and sends/receives perfect TV signals anywhere in your house
and maybe beyond. Wends video signal plus stereo sound.
Looks like a small flying saucer on a stand about 4" diameter.
Excellent quality and top of the line! Brand new in box - will
sell for $59.00 plus shipping

= = = = =

TUBES LOT #5 (New and used-tested mix)

807 G.E. NOS, no box  $8.00
807 Sylvania Used, no box (QTY 3)  $ 5.00 each
807 RCA (newer logo) Used, no box (QTY 2) $4.00 each
807 RCA (older logo) Used, no box  $3.00
807 Unmarked (Same style as older RCA), used, no box  $3.00
5933/807W Ruggedized 807 New in box (QTY 4) $10.00 each

Or take all of the above tubes for $65 plus shipping

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
4-125 Eimac Used No box  $25.00
828 Power Pentode RCA Used (I have 1; and may have 2) No box $12.00 ea.
12SN7GT Sylvania New in Box $2.00
6BG6B RCA Used, no box  $1.00
25L6 G.E .Used in box  $3.00
5Y3GT G.E. Used in box  $4.00
6W4 Tung-sol  used in box $2.00
6W4 Arcturus Used in box   $2.00
6W4GT Mullard Used in box   $3.00
6SN7GT CBS/Hytron New in box $5.00
6JZ6 Sylvania Used in box  $8.00
6SN7GT Tung solUsed in box  $2.00
6SN7GT Crosley Used in box  $2.00
6SN7GT RCA Used in box QTY 6   $3.00 ea.
6SL7GT RCA Used in box   $3.00
6AC7 RCA used in box   $2.00
6AC7 G.E. used in box (QTY 2)  $2.00 ea.
6H6 Ken-Rad used in box $1.00
6DE4 Philco Used in box $1.00
6H6 RCA used no box (QTY 2) $1.00 ea.
6X5 RCA used in box  $0.50
37 RCA used in box  $4.00
6AX4 Sylvania New in box $2.00
OC3 / VR-105 RCA NOS in Box QTY 7  $3.00  each
OA3 / VR-75 RCA NOS in box  QTY 5  $3.00 each
OA3 / VR-75 G.E. NOS in box QTY 3  $3.00 each
OA3 / VR-75 Marshall Electronics in box  $4.00
3AW2 Philco Used in G.E. box $0.50
Take all of the above tubes for only $90.00 plus shipping

Add shipping to all orders

Check my list of items for sale! Updated frequently:

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