Can You Identify This Key?

Hue Miller kargokult at PROAXIS.COM
Thu May 20 02:45:42 EDT 1999

At 02:07 PM 5/19/99 -0400, DavidC wrote:

>I have a key with Ta.P. within a circle under a
>lightning bolt and the words "vor dem Offnen Slecker
>herausziehen" on the top.  It is black.

--German military. 'Taste P" = key type P.
'Taste'  pronounced something like tahss-tuh.
"Vor dem Offnen..." = Before opening, remove plug

>"dtf/44" on the bottom.

--dtf = "secret manufacturer's code". some rifle and gun type
booksellers sell a reference book that relates the code letters
to the actual manufacturer name. i'm don't know how complete the
work is, for electronic material.

44 = year of manufacture. practically the last production year
for this equipment, due to Germany's collapse in early 45.

>The cable has a PL055B plug.

--the original dual-banana plug has been removed. this slightly
devalues the key, at least in the wider selling market.

hue miller ka7lxy

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