HBR Receivers

talen talen at INETPORT.COM
Tue May 25 07:18:54 EDT 1999

Do you remember the HBR receivers that were designed by the late Ted Crosby,
W6TC? There were several versions of these very popular homebrew receivers.
The first was the HBR-14 published in the July 1957 QST, followed by the
HBR-16 in the October 1959 QST, the HBR-8/11 in March/April 1963, the HBR-12
in April 1964, and the HBR-13 in the October 1965 QST. There were also many
improvements and add-ons by others,  Alexander Stewart, WA4ZNI and William
McKay, W7QBR to name just a few.

Many HBRs were built, and there is presently a small group HBR enthusiasts
who are interested in your stories about the HBR you anticipated building,
used, or currently use. We would like to know your perception of how well it
performed, problems you had with construction, calibration, etc. We're also
interested in hearing from those of you currently trying to locate an HBR or
if you anticipate building one.

We would like to hear about any correspondence that you may have had
with Mr. Crosby, Mr. Stewart or the authors of HBR related articles published
in QST and other amateur publications.  Also, don't forget Mr. Ed Kent,
K8EML, he was the compiler of the original HBR Notes. Did you have any
correspondence with him? Tell us about it!

If you are currently interested in building one of these fine receivers we
invite you to network with us. There are no fees, we're just a group of HBR
enthusiast that help each other locate and obtain the necessary parts, share
construction hints, etc.

In summary, if you're an admirer of the HBR tube receivers, then we would
like to hear from you.

e-mail RobertC908 at aol.com or talen at inetport.com

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