FS: Sell or Trade Hallicrafters SX-100

DavidC davidc at BIT-NET.COM
Wed May 26 19:39:37 EDT 1999

I have a SX-100 with all but one of the main tuning
knobs original.  Generally works fine, though the BFO
is a little iffy.  Tuning mechanics are fine.

The calibrator case has been replaced with a new box
and the stem of the pitch control has been broken and a
piece welded on and a brass coupling added to which the
knob attaches.  (looks OK but a little wobbly -- needs some

The cabinet is a mess.  Two corners have suffered serious
denting and sloppy patching, another corner has bad chipping.
The top half of the front panel was repainted a non-original
sorta-close color and the surface was not well prepared.
The cover is intact but was painted a too-glossy sorta-close

The receiver looks fine from a distance (other than the obvious
non-original knob ... as you get closer the flaws begin to show.
(No, I didn't do any of the damage or any of the repairs.)

I have $70. in this (long story) and will sell it as a parts or
restoration rig or trade it for a Multi-Elmac PMR-7 in good
shape with a 6m converter (perhaps an old Ameco).
Note:  I am looking for a compact boatanchor receiver
to match my Gonset Commander (160-6m AM/CW).

Thanks! & 73, DavidC  K1YP at qsl.net or 603-894-1174

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