FS Collins Stuuf, and ACC.

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri May 28 01:20:52 EDT 1999

I got more stuff Collins that is.........

>I have a whole lotta stuff for sale at TRW Swap meet in the city of El
>Segundo, California. 2 miles west of the 405 freeway, and 4 miles South of
>Los Angeles International Airport. Cross streets are Aviation Blvd, and
>Marine Blvd. My spot is A24 at the far west side. The swapmeet is this
>Saturday 5/29/99 7:00 - 11:00 AM.
>Here is added list.

Collins KWM-2 winged emblem good to very good
Collins PM-2 piggy back power supply
Collins CC-2 samsonite suitcase......$700.00

Collins 302C-3 winged wattmeter  $350.00

Collins MP-1 $75.00
Collins 189A-1 phone patch for the KWM-1 $125.00
Collins CP-1 crystal pack $125.00

Thank You  Leo KJ6HI Ph/Fax (310) 670-6969

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