HP-23 and other tab mount caps.

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Thu Nov 18 11:52:26 EST 1999

Dick, et al, do you think silicone / silastamer (sp?) type materiual would be
safer as a "potting compound in such instances, or is there some other
material more appropraite for safety's sake?

Also, my thought is this:  Why not just leave the radial caps loose inside the
old can? Does someone fear that they will fall out?!

On 17 Nov 99, at 11:02, Dick Blaney wrote:

> I thought "Bomb Making" was a crime.  Is this legal?  Potting
> electrolytics completely in an epoxy material could cause a dangerous
> explosion, if the capacitor is subjected to raw AC, causing the liquid
> electrolyte to boil, creating very high internal steam pressure.
> That's why the make 'em with rubber "blow-out" valves on the ends.
> Use care.
> 73 de
> Dick, WB8MHE
> wb8mhe at bright.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: charles w. morehouse <cwmorehouse at worldnet.att.net>
> Date: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 5:08 AM
> Subject: HP-23 and other tab mount caps.
> >Fellow Keepers,
> >Hears what I do if can't find a replacement for those tab mounts.
> >1. Carefully remove the capacitor.
> >2. Saw around the base using a fine hacksaw above the hump at the
> base.
> >3. Dig out the old and clean up.
> >4. Replace with new radial or axial caps. The new are a lot smaller
> than
> >the originals.
> >5. Pour the can with epoxy and re-install...WALA a new tab mount.
> >Good luck.
> >Wayne;
> >W4GBW
> >

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