My Heath RF Sig Gen order

Robert Dorman redorman at THEOFFICENET.COM
Fri Oct 1 13:50:11 EDT 1999

This is to the person I was buying a Heath RF sig. generator from. The
transaction was the result of my BA post for audio, rf sig. gens and a
signal tracer. My computer had a major crash (screwed up my master boot
record). All my email records, addresses, etc. got wiped. I was buying this
signal generator, but don't remember from whom. I payed for it with a money
order.  Anyway, I still havn't received it.  If it was sent UPS, could you
please put a tracer on it?  If it hasn't been sent yet, could you please
send it? Thanks. My address (in case it got misplaced) is Robert Dorman,
659 E. 3rd AVE., Colville, WA 99114.  Sorry for the bandwith to the rest of

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