
Hue Miller kargokult at PROAXIS.COM
Sun Oct 3 16:28:08 EDT 1999

>We ran a test on the 3980 KHz military net tonight where Hank W6DJX got on
>his BC-148 transmitter (CW) into its 3 foot loop antenna, indoors, at 7
>watts.  He's in Lancaster (NE of Los Angeles) and everybody heard him up to
>San Francisco.

--Wow, that's pretty respectable. Not really a realistic idea of typical
BC-148 to BC-148 working range, but still maybe an indication of range
that could maybe be useful under emergency conditions to send a 1-way
message to rear lines.

--I was told by Norman Weed, K6???, who trained on these in the Army in
Oregon or CA, that the working range was sometimes boosted out in the field,
by coupling the loop antenna to a wire antenna. This was done by clamping the
wires ( antenna and counterpoise ) to the loop, at appropriate places, by
means of battery ( alligator ) clips. I assume a 1/4 wave antenna, as a
1/2 wave might have been unwieldy for a toss-up antenna, and besides i think
i recall that he did speak of 'tapping down' on the loop for a match. His
estimate of range was pretty modest, about 15 miles, if i recall.

--I have one of these also, but minus the all-imortant, for accurate display,
loop antenna. One of those rectangular loops would be very hard to fabricate,
i would think, with its square stock and corner hinges.  A friend of mine has
one he found in someone's basement, being used as a laundry rack.
I at least have a good example of the BC-156, pretty much the same set but
little different frequency range, and with tuned circuits inside instead of
loop antenna, and was used with wire antenna.
Hue Miller

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