
Mike Silva mjsilva at JPS.NET
Mon Oct 4 17:08:43 EDT 1999

Just to clarify, the glowbugs list isn't *only* for Hartleys and regens;
it's for any ham tube homebrew -- a 117N7 Xtal TX would feel right at home.

Mike, KK6GM

>Hi Eldon,
>You might be interested in joining the Glowbugs email list, devoted
>to homebrewing tube gear. A lot of the gang on there are running
>Hartley xmtrs and regen rcvrs. To subscribe, send an email to:
>majordomo at piobaire.mines.uidaho.edu
>and only write:
>subscribe glowbugs
>and you'll be hooked up.
>73, Jeff KH6O

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