Needed: Manual/Schematic, Dumont/Kikusui 2100 SS Scope

Steve Harrison ko0u at OS.COM
Sun Oct 10 22:15:10 EDT 1999

My boatanchor-repairing oscilloscope, a 10 MHz solid-state Dumont 2100
dual-trace built by Kikusui sometime in the 1970's, no longer syncs
properly (usually won't sync at all or very erratically and reluctantly on
either channel or an external triggering input). Need either a
manual/schematic, or any suggestions what to look for in a typical 10 MHz
solid-state scope of this type. I've seen Tektronix 465s and 475s gradually
deteriorate in the same manner; they sync great when new, then gradually
become worse with age. Any help out there??

TNX, Steve K0XP

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