FS Collins "Goodies"

Leo KJ6HI radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Oct 11 01:56:17 EDT 1999

I have some Collins pieces left from the TRW swapmeet last weekend,
 and here is the list. All items are in good working order. Original
 paint, knobs, and feet. No modifications,holes,or dents. Manuals are

Collins KWM-2A (winged emblem) transceiver S/N 17829 &
Collins 516F-2 (winged emblem) S/N 15610 NICE CONDITION $1100.00

Collins 312B-4 winged console wattmeter/phone patch/speaker $260.00
Collins 312B-3 winged speaker $260.00
Collins 312B-3 winged speaker $260.00

Collins 30L-1 winged amplifier $499.00

Collins 516F-2 power supply winged $299.00

 73, Leo KJ6HI

 Ph/Fax (310) 670-6969

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