WTB: HQ-180 parts or junker

Bill Cotter bcotter at POP.UKY.EDU
Fri Oct 15 09:33:55 EDT 1999


I need some parts to repair my Hammarlund HQ-180 and was hoping to
find them here, or a source. I need the plastic main tuning dial
(mine is cracked about 120deg in an arc) and the mode switch (the
detent/ball has broken). If you have these (or, know of where I can
get them), please drop me a line.


es 73 Bill N4ALG

 Bill Cotter, N4ALG             E-mail: bcotter at pop.uky.edu
 173 Carolyn Lane               Home: (606) 887-5563,2402
 Nicholasville, KY 40356-9340   Work: (606) 323-6474

ARRL    ARCI #9878    QRPl #1646    QCWA #29393    FISTS #4535

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