Racal RA17

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Sat Oct 16 19:55:00 EDT 1999

Can someone on the Boatanchors email list help John out?
Please do not reply to me, but rather address your response
directly to him: john at jpower91.freeserve.co.uk. He's not
a subscriber to this list, so he won't see your list-wide
response if you go that route.

73, Jeff KH6O

In rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors, john at jpower91.freeserve.co.uk asks:

>I'm delighted to find a site which caters for those radio amateurs and
>shortwave listeners who risk hernias collecting this marvellous equipment. I
>have a Marconi CR100 (useful for the new LF allocation), an RCA AR88, as
>well as a recently acquired and sick Racal RA17. My query is this - the
>handbook states that when valve V5 (VFO1) is changed, it is necessary to
>adjust C77 with the Mc/s dial set to 29Mc/s. My problem is this; my handbook
>(a photocopied version) is lacking a page or two of  important information.
>I cannot trace the whereabouts of C77! The notes suggest that this trimmer
>is adjustable while the set is running, but I can't find it. Can anyone
>73 from John GM0KTO, QTHR
>john at jpower91.freeserve.co.uk

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