HQ-180 Front Panel

Al Parker anchor at COASTALNET.COM
Sun Oct 17 12:01:27 EDT 1999

Hi Dave,
are you aware of N0ALO, "Lynn" <n0alo at southwind.net>?
He will silkscreen panels.  He doesn't have a screen for the 180 right now
(I've bn talking with him) but the procedure would be to send him the panel
as is now, he'll "shoot" it, fix up the lettering on his foto, send you the
panel back, you strip & repaint, send it bk to him, he screens & sends bk
to you.  (hope I got all the bk's right).  I haven't determined price yet,
but hv bn talking abt both 180 & 170 panels. When he's not covered up (he
is now), he will do the painting.  I've heard that his work is very good.
        I'll probably send him at least one in the next few wks.  What I really
need is a bezel/surround, the heavy piece that holds the panel, for either
a 180 or 170 (not sure if any of the others are same size).  You saw this
one at Shelby, some one made a rack mount out of an otherwise nice 180A,
took the bezel & cabinet off, drilled holes, put handles on.  I bought the
rough 170 that was there, not sure if you saw it.  Also since, hv gotten a
170 w/o panel, but w/cabinet.  It's save-able if I can find a 2nd panel &
bezel.  more projects
        Guess I oughta post a WTB on the panel/bezel.

Al, W8UT
New Bern, NC
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