Morton Jones mortjonz at PACBELL.NET
Sun Oct 17 23:50:25 EDT 1999

Hi I have forsale some Dummy Loads ,
3 are Heath Cantenna Model HN-31  Less oil @ $20.00 each+ shipping.

1 is a MFJ Model  MFJ-262 Air cooled 1KW 50 ohms 0-30MHz size
3"x3"x13" This is in the box with Reciept of $69.95 will sell for

Next is a Tempo looks to be 100 watts size is 2"x2"x7" 50 ohm Dry ..
$10.00+shipping      All will be shipped from 92065

Next is a MFJ-264  1.5KW HF-UHF works with all Radios 160 Meters through
650 MHz This is a Dry Dummy Load size is 3"x3"x9" New price is $59.95 I
will take $35.00+shipping this is in New condition
Thanks for Reading.   Mort W6KLG

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