Restoring the SB-630 clock PART 1.

charles w. morehouse cwmorehouse at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Fri Sep 3 04:31:55 EDT 1999

Fellow Keepers of Heathkits,
In response to many inquiries, here are my experiences.
When I got the SB-630 Station Monitor it was in rough shape. The front
panel was trash and Lynn Brock made it look like new. The knob skirts
were corroded so got some nice replacements. The timer was kaput so it
was fixed. The clock was trash. The window was missing so got a small
sheet of lexan from the hobby store and replicated the original. Some
dufus had drilled large holes in the case to adjust the clock. This
scratched up the numbers. So replaced the minutes with self stick
numbers from the office supply. The red seconds were redone using rub
on letters form the hobby store and coated with urethane varnish. The
houres was fixed with ink. And of course the motor was dead. Am still
looking for a replacement case. Now on to the motor.

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