Phono Oscillators

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Fri Sep 10 23:56:38 EDT 1999

me town (population 29,000).
>--hmmmm. I'm wondering how you got that good range. These things operate
>in the milliwatt range, and the antenna is not well matched to the tuned
>circuit. Typical range is more like just a few city blocks.
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I  read  this  and  have a  big  smile  on  my  face...  I  was  a counsellor 
in a  boys  camp  in  Maine in the 50's...
When I  arrived at the camp  there  was an  old Western Electric Board  a 
turntable  a  tape deck  and a  PA Amp that was  used to  broadcast  around
camp  on  the  PA...  Well  off  comes the  amp  and on goes the Knight Kit 
Phono Osc  with a 500 '  long wire  and the birth  of  WZAK  the voice of Camp
Zakelo...  They could  hear that  signal at the girls camp across
Lake sebago  and  lots  of  other  places  on the lake...  had  that  station
on the air  for  3 summers  for two  hours  a  day... One  hour  at
rest  and  one  hour  before  lights  out  with  all  the  best  music  and 
news....  Boy  was  that  fun...
Legal....  Heck  no  ...  Bob K1JNN/5
PS  The  ham station there  was  a  Globe Scout  and  SX99  This  was a 
really  ritsy  boys  camp!!!!
Bob Peters  K1JNN/5
CCA# 96-00063 
Another member of The Dallas Posse 

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