BA's F/S

Bob Peters soundimp at POBOX.COM
Sat Sep 11 15:28:26 EDT 1999

2... NIB  1952  Mfg  1958  Packed HS38 Headset replacements  with  cord  
and PL354 plug...  One  box  opened to  identify  other box sealed...  Your
$15.00  plus  shipping  or  $25  plus  shpping  for  the  2...

1 ...  Calrad C-200   Xtal mike  NIB  with amphenol  conector  $20.00  plus
priority mail...

1.... Porta Power  from  GTC Transformer corp  to  power radio's  that have
 4...5...or 1.5 volt  tubes  to  convert  to  110V....  $25.00  plus  shipping

Am  always  open  to  offers  if  you  feel  that  these are  overpriced...
Also  have an  RCA Voltohmist  with  no  probe  make  an  offer....

Bob  K1JNN/5

Bob Peters  K1JNN/5
CCA# 96-00063 
Another member of The Dallas Posse 

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