INFO: TV-7 reading to micromhos

talen talen at INETPORT.COM
Fri Sep 17 11:18:04 EDT 1999

For you folks without a manual desiring some correlation of the TV-7
tube tester "0-120" range to micromhos, the following is usefull:

Applies to all TV-7s

                            corresponding value in micromhos
Meter Reading    Range-B  Range-C  Range-D  Range-E

00.................          0             0             0             0
10.................        250         500         1250        2500
20.................        500        1000         2500       5000
30.................        750        1500         3750       7500
40.................       1000        2000        5000      10000
50.................       1250        2500        6250      12500
60.................       1500        3000        7500      15000
70.................       1750        3500        8750      17500
80.................       2000        4000      10000      20000
90.................       2250        4500      11250      22500
100...............       2500        5000      12500      25000
110...............       2750        5500      13750      27500
120...............       3000        6000      15000      30000

73s  Kees K5BCQ

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