Microphones FS

Ken Simpson W8EK at FDT.NET
Sat Sep 18 14:18:13 EDT 1999

It is time to clean out an assortment of microphones.
After all, a person can only talk on one at a time!

For Sale:

Shure 522 desk mic.  Looks close to a Shure 444,
but is more directional.    $ 50

Turner 350 C hand mic.  Ceramic, Hi impedance,
used on many Heath mobile rigs.   $ 25

Icom HM-36 hand mic.  Has Up/Down switch with
8 pin connector.    new  $ 50

Yaesu MH-18 A2b speaker mic.  Fits many HTs --
more than just Yaesu.   $ 25

Kenwood MC-43 hand mic.  This is the 8 pin mic
that has up and down switches and originally came
with the TS-440, etc.  new  $ 55

Kenwood MC-42 hand mic.  Like MC-43 above, but
with 6 pin connector.  new  $ 55

Kenwood MC-46 DTMF hand mic, with 6 pin
connector.    new  $ 55

Lafayette hand mic.  700 ohm impedance    $ 20

Mura DX-115 D, dynamic hand mic.  2000 ohm
impedance.  $ 20

Prices do not include shipping from Florida.



Ken, W8EK

Ken Simpson
E-Mail to W8EK at fdt.net or W8EK at juno.com
Voice Phone  (352)  732-8400

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