Knight AM Net
Brian Carling
Mon Sep 20 07:56:39 EDT 1999
To: Jim, Joey, Carl, Al etc....
CC: Boatanchor Fans
Gentlemen I was reading with interest, your comments about a Knightkit NET
on 80m AM. I would like to join in eventually when I get settled here, and I
will publicize this too...
This was discussed recently on the Knight Kit Bulletin Board at:
There I read this:
"We have a knight 80M AM net here... a few of them still around
here in S-florida ! 4 of us with T-60's
Wonder what time and frequency of the Knight Net??
I have a R100A receiver and T150 transmitter.
Would be interested in joining in from S.E. Georgia.
73's NC4D
Now, I see no reply from Jim about it. Maybe I missed something!
Did anyone find out what day, time & frequency to find this Knight AM net?
If so, let me know and I will gladly publish the information on my web page
listing Boatanchor Nets, Swap Nets etc. at:
73 to all
Bry, AF4K
- James Hilins wrote:
We have a knight 80M AM net here... a few of them still around here in S-
florida ! 4 of us with T-60's
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