That's THIS Sunday - get set now!

Tue Sep 21 18:56:20 EDT 1999

     And the event is of course "CX," the Classical Radio Exchange
Contest, THE bi-annual event for boatanchors and their owner-
operators.  Starts at 3 PM EDT, ends at midnight EDT (adjust time
to fit your zone: that's 1900 UTC 26 Sep to 0400 UTC 27 Sep).
Some details are in the Contest Corral section of the October
QST, although no specifics on the frequencies, only the bands.

     Announcement with all details appeared here a couple of
weeks ago - and I TOLD you to save it and spread the word!  But
in case you missed it e-mail me separately and I'll send you
another copy.

     And I DID get my Harvey-Wells fixed with no visible marks
on the exterior - and also got my Globe 755A VFO repaired and
working again... and as I sat there with the two pieces of the
cracked cathode resistor from the output stage in my hand, I
remembered that I had put that (then whole) resistor in myself
when I built the 755A from a kit 40 years ago...

     CU in CX!

     73,  Al  N5AIT
   modsteph at

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