[ham-hist] Morse for the exclamation mark

Will White will.white at MINDSPRING.COM
Sat Sep 25 23:05:57 EDT 1999

According to the Mac program (written by a Swedish ham), the exlamation is
dididahdahdih. No reference in the 1998 ARRL Handbook.

Jeffrey Herman wrote:
> I can't seem to find the Morse for the exclamation mark. I spent the
> afternoon in our research library going from floor to floor (government
> docs are on the underground level, tech collection is on the third floor,
> telecom regs are on the second floor) browsing through marine radio
> manuals, ITU manuals, all sorts of communications books (even the
> venerable "Electronic Communication" by Shrader) -- nil. The best I could
> find was the Continental version: dadadididadah (which was also the High
> Power Warning).
> Can someone give me a reference for it? I was told it's dadadadit,
> but can't confirm that.

Will White, KD7BFX

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