Wanted - Bud Rack for Globe King 500B

Don Buska d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Tue Sep 28 10:59:24 EDT 1999

I need a rack cabinet for my Globe King 500B.  Originally this was a bud
enclosed (back door - open front) standard 19" cabinet with rack height space
of 28".  I would be willing to consider other similar cabinets, but would
prefer not to go much higher than the 28" (maybe 36" max) vertical rack space.
I do not want a rack from an old computer system.  These have the tendancy to
be excessive in depth (I have access to several old DEC and SUN cabinets that
are about 3 feet front-to-back on their sides).  I'm not sure what the depth of
the original Bud 500B cabinet was, but my guess is probably 16-18".

So can someone help?

Thank you es 73

Don N9OO
Kenosha, WI

**                                                                **
**  Don Buska N9OO (EN62bo)            Mgr - Parts & Repair Ctr   **
**  4805 64th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144   Advantest America Inc.     **
**  (414)654-0072                      (847)821-3393              **
**  d.buska at aaiate.com             fax (847)634-2872              **
**                                                                **
**           ----------------  Wants ------------------           **
**   RCA     |  James Millen Equipment                |   CSVHFS  **
**   AWA     |  Transmitters by Thordarson, Stancor,  |   NTMS    **
**   AMI     |  UTC and other transformer companies.  |   ARRL-LM **
**   CCA     |                                        |           **
**   QCWA    |  Magazines: 73 Mag's from 1960/61      |           **
**                                                                **
**                  http://www.qsl.net/n9oo                       **
** Home of the Electric Radio Magazine Index & James Millen Page  **

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