Photofacts for: National HRO-50 and Collins 75A-1

Ian Webb ian_webb at PACBELL.NET
Sun Apr 2 21:02:54 EDT 2000

For the Collins 75A-1:
12 page Photofact Folder in very good condition.  A slight tear on the
outside edge of the first two sheets (thumb size - no paper missing)
and some yellowing on the edges.

For the HRO-50R1, HRO-50T1:
Very good condition 14 page (when you count each 8-1/2x11 piece of the
schematics) Photofact Folder.  There is only minor yellowing on the
edges of the pages.

I actually prefer the Photofacts to the original manual sometimes
since they have such good photographs and parts locations are easier
for me to figure out.

For each:
$12.50 mailed to you first class.

Ian, K6SDE

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