FS: Capacitors

talen talen at INETPORT.COM
Sun Apr 23 00:41:29 EDT 2000

I have the following new capacitors for sale (plus shipping):

73s  Kees K5BCQ

  VALUE   VOLTAGE    PACKAGE        TYPE       QTY        PRICE
                                                                       per Bag   per Bag
 ------------   ---------------    ----------------       --------       ----------   -----------
* 20pf         6KV            dipped disk       U2J           20        5.00
* 50pf        1KV             dipped disk       U2J           50        5.00
* 200pf      12KV           dipped disk        X5R          20        5.00
* .001mfd   1KV            disk                  Y5U/Z5U   75        5.00
* .002mfd   1KV            dipped disk        X5F          50        5.00
* .005mfd   1KV            disk                  Z5U          75         5.00
* .05mfd     500V           disk                  Z5U          75        5.00
* 75/75mfd 300/300V     electrolytic                         5        10.00
                                   (Mallory twist-lok)

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