Need a case (or junker) for National RAO-7

Bill Cotter bcotter at POP.UKY.EDU
Tue Aug 1 11:13:25 EDT 2000


I am trying to locate a stock case for my restored National RAO-7
Navy receiver. The RAO-7 receiver is nearly identical to the RAO-9,
and may be dimensionally identical to the RAO-2/6. The RAO-7 looks
quite a bit like the NC-120 less the S-meter, and with a deeper
case to house the 'back-porch' RF deck.

As I understand from the TM literature, the case is of steel
construction, louvered, painted black, and has a copper-clad
interior. The dimensions would be approximately 11-1/2" high, 19"
wide and 16" deep, however, the front panel mounting doesn't appear
to be a standard rack-mount drilling.

I am also in need of both bottom covers (main chassis and back
porch), and the thin aluminum cover for the RF catacomb enclosure.
The previous owner began a repair job on this fine old receiver,
than unfortunately became an SK. The seller purchased the receiver
from the estate as is, and missing covers, then I came into the
picture. So, if you have a case, covers or a junker RAO-7/9, I
would be interested in hearing from you. Please drop me a line.


bill n4alg

Bill Cotter, N4ALG             E-mail: bcotter at
173 Carolyn Lane               Home: (859) 887-5563,2402
Nicholasville, KY 40356-9340   Work: (859) 323-6474

ARRL   ARCI #9878   QRPl #1646   QCWA #29393   FISTS #4535

Hammarlund SP-600JX26 S/N: 12552 (R-274C/FRR '52 S/N: 2659)
Collins R-388/URR '51 S/N: 1175
Collins R-390A '55 S/N: 633       EAC R-390A '67 S/N: 3669
Philco  R-392  '59 S/N: 167       HQ-180     '60 S/N: 2409

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