Best BA directory

Hue Miller kargokult at PROAXIS.COM
Wed Aug 16 14:31:11 EDT 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Carling <bcarling at>

| Here is a non-commercial directory with everything you ever
| wanted to know about older radio equipment!

--Well, part of everything you wanted to know. You might call
this the "largest collection of links (under construction), with
the usual annoyances".
Many pages are under construction or really minimal.
Examples: one "spy radios" link shows only the GRC-109,
and describes each unit as "the size and weight of a car
battery". (hmmm.......what kind of car would that be? )
The SBE-34 "review"  lists specs and technical description
but no review and no link to review. The Harvey-Wells page
lists one product. The Knight page, under Span Master,
has the manual only, text only, no schematic or pix.
Granted, the manual (text only) could be helpful, but
maybe a little helpfulness in the subject title might be called
for. The Swan page fails to list the general
coverage accessory for the 600R. I'm not a BA expert,
but i noted these shortcomings in just a couple minutes scan
of some favorites. So, if you'll allow me to be picky, and yes
i know what i paid for this information, it's not the be all and
the end all, yet.
Hue Miller

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