new to AM, where to begin?

Lane Zeitler Ku7i at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Sat Feb 19 03:38:43 EST 2000

After 20 years of hamming I am getting very interested in working AM. I have
a TS-850S by Knwd that works well but I desire to get into the higher
fidelity xmit bandwidth. The Knwd rig only xmits at 2.4 khz wide, which
seems pretty  narrow considering I can rcv up to 12khz wide (a nice plus of
the 850). I am  looking for the ranges of average priced boatanchors xmtrs.
I am familiar
with the rcvrs but am in the dark with the xmtrs of the AM era, circa 1950
to 1970?

What would be a good AM xmtr? It must go down to 160 and must have a vfo.
Prefer a unit with 6146 finals. The selection seems overwhelming. DX-100?
HT-37? Average prices?

 Any info on recommendations is appreciated.

San Diego


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