SX-24 receivers

Brian Carling af4k at EARTHLINK.NET
Mon Feb 21 17:49:07 EST 2000

By the way fellers - if someone would enjoy it, here is an offer of another
SX-24 that could be used as a rusty parts rig together with mine, and looks
like it would go for a much lower price. If you are thinking about a great
project you will have great fun with these:

Quane Fletcher <quane at>

    Hi Gents
    Just saw Brian Carling's listings. Don't want to shoot down his listing
for a SX 24 but I have one that works. Maybe with both someone could do a
real good rebuild. This one has all the origional knobs, the front pannel
looks  good and it has the origional "S" meter. The cabinet has a lot of
scratches and the louvers have some surface rust. Someone make me
any offer and we might be able to get togather on a deal.
    Brian here's hopeing some will take both recievers off our hands.
    Quane Fletcher W5OTB

(Via the AM Radio List)

On 21 Feb 00, at 9:01, Brian Carling wrote:

> For Sale:
> Hallicrafters SX-24 Defiant receiver. Needs some work,
> but is an excellent candidate for total restoration to
> museum quality. No dings or dents. Needs s-meter.
> Original S-meter not present but has NICE
> Hallicrafters SX-99 S-meter in place. The set has a
> missing output transformer (common single ended 6V6 type),
> but appears to be complete and could be made to work
> with minor repair.  Has all original knobs and the
> front panel shows well. The cabinet has the
> cool-looking louvres on the sides, which match
> the speaker used with both the SX-24 and SX-28 series.
> If you already have the speaker it will look really
> great with this radio.  Will sell for $175.00
> = = = = =
> RME-45 receiver - Covers 540 kHz to 33 MHz.
> Comes with the complete SAMS Photofact including
> schematic and all service
> information. Open design makes this receiver
> easy to work on. Case needs painting, as there
> are some scratches consistent with the age of
> this radio (1947) under normal use. Not terribly
> bad though. This receiver uses loctal tubes and
> has a two speed dial with concentric knobs.
> Front panel looks excellent, but rig needs some
> minor repair. All parts and the original knobs are
> present.  Will sell for $200.00
> Mil surplus
> LS-454/U Military radio loudspeaker unit with cable.
> Excellent condition. Will sell for $10.00 (ONE ONLY)
> Mil surplus
> LS-519C/S1C Intercommunications System with provision
> for switching
> contact with up to ten remote stations (none included)
> Has built-in
> speaker, and weatherproof covered mic jack. Controls
> for VOLUME,
> 10 S.S. pushbuttons for selecting units to monitor or
> contact.
> Switch for "Hands Free / Listen / Talk."
> Control for OFF/DIMMING.
> Will sell for $90.00
> Lafayette Tube Tester, model TE-55. Nice little compact
> tester in vinyl covered
> case. Very good condition. No documentation. Will sell
> for $35.00

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