info on Northern Radio Co. N542 HF amp

Lane Zeitler Ku7i at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Mon Feb 28 09:48:28 EST 2000

I am looking for information on the Northern Radio Co. model N542 HF amp.
Runs a pair of 3-500Zs. This is a commercial service amp designed for
maritime (shipboard) use. Has six channels which can be tuned from 2-30mhz.
Runs on 120 vac input only but uses a dc choke filtered power supply that
provides 4200 volts to the tubes. Built like a tank but I have no
information on it at all and it needs some work to get it going. I am
looking for a technical manual, schematic, or anyone who knows anything
either abt this amp or even the company. An internet search turned up
nothing. Looks like a mid-70s era design.

San Diego

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